Wenjian Yang wrote:
> Hi,
> I've just installed 8.2.0 from rpms on FC6 i386 and wanted to try out
> the built-in LDAP support.
> The following LDAP authentication was added to "pg_hba.conf"
> host  all  all <> <> 
> ldap://dc.domain.com/dc=domain,dc=com/DOMAIN\
> However when trying to connect from another machine, it gave the error
> "FATAL: missing or erroneous pg_hba.conf file".
> Looking at the server log, the comma in "dc=domain,dc=com" has become ^A
> while all the other characters are intact.
> Does this have to do with some other packages or I specified the the
> line wrong? Thanks in advance.

The first thing you've done wrong is not actually include the log lines
that had something to do with it. What are those server log lines?

Anyway, I beleive you should write:
host all all ldap


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