Try a 180-day Win2k3 trial to see if the issue persists.  Realistically,
though, if you can't afford the proprietary software don't develop with

If it's a Windows XP bug (or "feature") then it's not anything we can
help with since PG is working correctly.

Brandon Aiken
CS/IT Systems Engineer

-----Original Message-----
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Oisin Glynn
Sent: Monday, January 08, 2007 3:54 PM
To: Shelby Cain
Subject: Re: [GENERAL] Database Failure on Windows XP Pro psql

I have exceptions in the FW for postgresql.
I know XP Pro is not a server OS but it is a $$ question (I know *nix is

cheaper but it is not an option without a major rewrite). The Server is 
really more like a network appliance it is not expecting to have extra 
connections all over. In fact the DB is only accessible on

I have been checking for XP limits coming into play but the kicker is 
that there are no errors appearing (which other people are reporting 
lots of with SP2)
The 3 limits I am aware of are
a) There is a new limit on numbers of outbound connections being created

per second (people using e mule and torrents etc are having issues) We 
are not creating masses of outbound requests per second (at least AFAIK 
unless something in PG or something else is? without us noticing)
b)  There is a max open TCP/IP connections which is not physically 
enforced but may legally be inforced......(according to MS)
c) There is a hard limit on NAMED_PIPE and file shares that is allegedly

at 10. It is unclear exactly what is being counted here as I had 
NAMED_PIPES and 5 file shares from different PC's open earlier trying to

cause a failure.

We have run netstat to check for odd looking connections on each 
occurrence but never seen any?
Are there pieces of logging I should turn on in my .conf that would be 


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TIP 2: Don't 'kill -9' the postmaster

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