On 1/10/07, Dimitri Fontaine <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Le mercredi 10 janvier 2007 02:54, [EMAIL PROTECTED] a écrit:
> I am working on a project where we are converting from MySQL to
> Postgres. I figured the easiest way would be to export the MySQL data
> as CSV.

If you are using pg 8.2+, I've had good luck with the following:

1. create pgsql schema by hand or using some method, so they match mysql
2. mysqldump --compatible=postgresql [yadda] | grep ^INSERT | psql [yadda]

this will work for most data types. as of 8.2, postgresql supports
multiple record inserts, which while not as fast as copy, is pretty
close.  if mysqldump is dumping single line inserts, change it to
multiple with -e switch iiirc.


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