On 1/16/07, Thorsten Körner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

The projects Website is a very high traffic site, with about 500 Pi /
sec.  we
are facing performance trouble, when using just one server.
Searches etc. we have implemented using lucene on our backend servers, to
the database alive, but since content is very dynamic, there is need to
update lucene indexes very often.
Another problem are some logs, like counters how often users have seen the
pages with contents or userprofiles etc.
All those things, seems to me very difficulty to implement with slony.
Do you have a hint, which way we can go?

Perhaps you need to look at a different solution.  It is apparent you want
to reduce I/O and activity on the database, have you looked at distributed
caches like memcached (http://www.danga.com/memcached/) ?

Many popular high volume websites are using memcached (Wikipedia, Slashdot,
Live Journal, etc.).


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