On 1/16/07, David Lee Lambert <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

The problem with a random UUID generator is:  where do you get the random
numbers?  However,  there are really only two platforms to worry about:
POSIX (use libuuid) and Win32 (there is probably a Win32 function to
it,  since MS SQL Server and the .NET API both provide GUID
generation;  but
I can't seem to find it by searching the Web).

Anyway,  the uniqueidentifier project on GBorg seems like it has what you
want:  a user-defined type,  and a generator.  I think the main thing it
needs is some code cleanup/robustness and a lot of production testing.


Apache Portable Runtime has a uuid generator, see apr-util package, function
is apr_uuid_get().  Underlying it uses one of the following:

a) uuid_create (FreeBSD via libc)
b) uuid_generate (from libuuid)
c) UuidCreate (for Win32)
d) Apache version of a UUID generator


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