On 1/22/07, Harald Armin Massa <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>> select * from table where table_id in (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ...)
I usually try to rewrite this kind of queries to

select whatever from table t1 join
(select table_id from xxxxx where xxxxx) t2 using (table_id)

And 3 out of 4 this performs better on Oracle and PostgreSQL.

Would be curious why it does , but usually I am happy that it does:)

Because the results would be different than a subselect, less work =
faster.  One thing to point out is that a query of the form:

select ...
 from foo
where id in (select id from bar where n=27)

Would normally result in a SORT UNIQUE for the "select id from bar where
n=27" part.  Where as:

select ...
 from foo f1, (select id from bar where n=27) f2
where f1.id = f2.id

is the same as...

select ...
 from foo f1, bar f2
where f2.n=27
  and f1.id=f2.id

which would not result in a sort unique.  In order to obtain the same
results as a subselect you would need to group or distinct, and I would
imagine the results would be the same as the IN..SUBSELECT


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