On Sun, Jan 21, 2007 at 15:16:37 +0200,
  Andrus <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >No, the tables would be on the server, the same as was already being done.
> >Using a separate table makes it more future proof.
> To access tables in server, you need to login into server.
> To login into server, you need postresql user name and password sent by 
> client and thus stored in client computer.
> It is possible to obtain this information from client computer and use it 
> for unauthirized access to data.

This is the same problem as checking the password versus the native (to
postgres) password hashes. I suggested having private tables as an alternative
to that in order for the OP to not have problems with future upgrades, which
was the original question.

I didn't give an opinion on whether or not the whole approach was a good
idea or not, since there wasn't enough detail in the original question.

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