Hi Ted,

Hi Thorsten,

Am Donnerstag, 25. Januar 2007 19:53 schrieb Ted Byers:
The question I'd ask before offering a solution is, "Does the order of the
id data matter, or is it a question of having all the results for a given
id together before proceeding to the next id?"  The answer to this will
determine whether or not adding either a group by clause or an order by
clause will help.

Is there a reason you client app doesn't submit a simple select for each of the required ids? You'd have to do some checking to see whether it pays to
have the ordering or grouping operation handled on the server or client.
Other options to consider, perhaps affecting performance and security,
would be parameterized queries or stored procedures.

Yes, the reason is, that a large list of ids are generated from a users
request, coming from outside our application (for example as an EXCEL sheet),
and the output msut be ordered by the ordering in this list.
Surely we can handle this in our client application (java code), but I think it would be more sexy to have this possibility in the database logic, since our client-application should not do much more than retrieve data from the db
and then present it.

To be honest, your rationale here makes no sense to me, business or otherwise. I think I'd be remiss if I didn't tell you this. Of course, what you do is up to you, but I never concern myself with what is 'more sexy' when designing a distributed application. I can see a number of situations in which your approach would result in terrible performance. If you have a lot of users, and you're putting all the workload on your data server, all the client apps will end up spending a lot of time waiting for the server to do its thing. Ordering the display of data, while it can be helped by the database, is really a presentation issue and IMHO the best place for that, by default, is the client app (i.e. do it server side only if there is a very good reason to do so).

If I understand you correctly, you have a java application as the client app, and it receives your users' ID data, from whatever source. I'd assume, and hope, that you have built code to read the IDs from sources like your Excel spreadsheet, but that doesn't matter that much. For the purpose of this exchange, it wouldn't matter if you made your clients enter the data manually (though IMHO it would be sadistic to make users manually enter a long list of values when you can as easily have the program read them from a file of whatever format). The point it that you say "our client-application should not do much more than retrieve data from the db and then present it", and this implies you get the IDs into your client application. You say you're getting "a large list of ids" "coming from outside our application." If your database is large, and your list of IDs is long, you may be taking a huge performance hit by making the database perform either an ordering or grouping that both would be unnecessary if you constructed a series of simple parameterized queries in your client app and executed them in the order you desire. Whether or not this matters will depend on just how large your large is, how many simultaneous users there'd be, and how powerful the server hardware is (but I'd be quite upset if one of my developers made me pay more for a faster server just because he or she thought it would be sexy to do all the work on the server rather than the client).

Given what you've just said, if I were in your place, I'd be addressing the ordering issues in the client java application first, and then look at doing it in the database only if doing this work in the client app presented problems that could be addressed by doing the work on the server. Equally importantly, if there is a reason to not take the obvious and simple option, I'd be doing some performance evaluation based on enough test data to reasonably simulate real world usage so that I'd have hard data on which option is to be preferred.

Thanks for your comments

You're welcome.  I hope you find this useful.

CappuccinoSoft Business Systems

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