On Thu, Jan 25, 2007 at 10:47:50 -0700,
  Isaac Ben <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> The data is gene expression data with 20,000 dimensions. Part of the
> project I'm working on is to discover what dimensions are truly
> independent.   But to start with I need to have
> all of the data available in a master table to do analysis on.  After
> the analysis I hope to derive subsets of much lower dimensionality.

Are you actually planning to do the analysis in Postgres? This doesn't seem
like a real good fit for that kind of task. (Though I haven't played with
the R stuff, and that might be good for doing that kind of analysis.)

If you do put this in postgres, it seems the two most natural things are
to use arrays to store the dimension values or to have table with a key
of the gene and the dimension and have another column with the value of
that dimension for that gene.

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