For what may be really strange reasons I am trying to store emails into a database table. The idea is to take the entire original message and store it into a table with two columns, an serial primary key column and a column for the message.

Originally I thought I would just use column type text but changed that to bytea based on the fact that the dbmail project uses bytea for reasons of character support.

I'm running into problems with perl throwing an error of :'invalid input syntax for type bytea'. I have not yet been able to capture a message for any further testing because the error tends to destroy the message in process...

the way that I'm using perl is to do a full prepare and execute statements, which as I understand perl, will do all the character escaping necessary to store the message. meaning, If I have characters like (') or (`) they should be escaped when they are entered into the SQL parameter. I am wondering if this is indeed the case.

But I'm looking for any suggestions or considerations when trying to d this approach to avoid this kind of text parsing problem.

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