Richard Troy wrote:

[snip] My observation is that we have a real shortage of quality operating
systems today, and what few exist/remain don't enjoy much market share
because they're not based on Unix, so they're largely missing out on the
Open Source activity. What may be worse, young people who don't know any
better are sometimes told/taught not to bother with anything over five
years old as it's antiquated so they don't ever find out that things could
be better - and once were. (Example, anyone who thinks "man pages" are
great has obviously got a very limited experience from which to base their
opinion!) ... As a practical matter today we mostly have a choice of
Windows or some flavor of unix, neither of which are great. That would be
very different in my opinion if only Unix didn't have this asenine view
that the choice between a memory management strategy that kills random
processes and turning that off and accepting that your system hangs is a
reasonable choice and that spending a measily % of performance in overhead
to eliminate the problem is out of the question. Asenine, I tell you.

Meanwhile, what Operating Systems ARE _today_ reliable choices upon which
to run your Postgres datababse engine?

<Insert another plug for an OpenVMS port here>

Aside from the fact that HP's upper management don't appear to be aware of the existance of OpenVMS, it's a system that it hard to find fault with. On the alpha chip anyway... the Itanium is another story. It would be a very reliable choice on which to run a high-availability database

As for your young people don't know any better comment... I'm a young 25 years of age, and I know much greener pastures than Weenblows or Unix. ;)

Paul Lambert
Database Administrator

---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
TIP 2: Don't 'kill -9' the postmaster

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