Bruno Wolff III wrote:
On Thu, Feb 01, 2007 at 10:24:51 +0900,
  Paul Lambert <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
If you hide the database username and password within your application (i.e. encrypted within the source code) so they cannot see the credentials that you connect to the database with internally then they have no means by which to connect to it using any other programs.

This is not real security. Encrypting the data in the application only works
if the application is running on a computer you control. If the "customer"
can get their own copy of the client and run it on a computer they control
then they can steal or borrow the applications credentials.


If it is encrypted within the source code then the only way to steal the credentials would be to reverse engineer the application. And if someone is going to do that then you can be relatively assured that they are going to do anything and everything to get around whatever other security you can offer. At which point you could send the law after them for breach of copyright or other such law - at least that is the case down here in Australia.

We have an application which connects to a database in MySQL. Each user has their own username/password to log onto the application which does so through authenticating against a users table in the db. The application itself has hard-coded within a username/password to get the initial access to the database. With somewhere in the vicinity of 1,000 people using this particular application we've not seen a case of anyone accessing it using anything other than our application.

You want to either run the app on a computer you control

It's not always feasible to host the application main on your own server. Depending on network distance, traffic, size of application, number of users etc, it could require some extremely high spec hardware to host and beefed up network connections. This is not possible for a lot of service providers out there, not to mention that those willing to reverse engineer the software (or run packet sniffers and decrypt network traffic) to get the password out of it would still find a way of determining the password your hosted app is using.

or have a contract
with the customers prohibiting them from connecting to the database other than
by using the app.

If customers access a database hosted by a service provider it is generally the norm to have some clauses in the contract pertaining to data protection and ownership making "access to provider hosted data by any means other than those authorised by the provider" a breach of contract.

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TIP 3: Have you checked our extensive FAQ?


If security is as big a concern as it appears to be for Andrus then I would suggest that a bigger approach involving a number of security steps need to be taken. The password used to connect to the db initially is just the first. My standard practice however is to never allow the users to see the password that they connect to the db with.
Options as I see it:

1.) Hard-code the password (perhaps in encrypted form) within the source of the application and do not supply that password to anyone else. This app knows how to connect to the db, and then data access is determined by credentials supplied by the user that authenticate against a users table in the db.

2.) Allow the user to specify their own password, but hash the password using some hashing algorithm - perhaps even your own custom written one - before sending that in the create user command to Postgres. Connecting via other means (pgAdminIII, M$ Access etc) would therefore fail as they cannot provide the same hashed password.

3.) Do as Korry suggested in appending (or perhaps prepending) a 'secret value' to the user supplied password.

4.) Combine all above options... Allow the user to specify their own password to which you append a hard-coded 'secret value' which has been encrypted in the source of your application and then you hash the resultant password string before sending to Postgres.

My AUD$0.02

Paul Lambert
Database Administrator

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TIP 6: explain analyze is your friend

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