On Mon, Feb 12, 2007 at 09:41:44PM -0200, Cristiano Panvel wrote:
> Thanks Magnus,
> Now I am passing the line thus pg_hba.conf
> ##
> host    all         all          ldap
> ldap://ldap.cb.sc.gov.br/dc=cb,dc=sc,dc=gov,dc=br
> ##
> However error in login is occurring
> % psql postgresql -h server -U scott -W
> psql: FATAL:  LDAP authentication failed for user "scott"

That's one step further. Now is the time you need to check the server

> I must pass plus some thing.
> My base Ldap:
> dc=cb,dc=sc,dc=gov,dc=br
> The Bind:
> ou=Users

Uh, you want to bind as an OU? That's not really possible? Or do you
mean that your actual bind shuold be as something like
cn=scott,ou=Users,dc=cb,dc=sc,dc=gov,dc=br? If so, try something like

(note the double semicolons - the first one is for the prefix, the
second one for suffix)

But to re-iterate, your server log shuold contain more information about
the problem.


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TIP 6: explain analyze is your friend

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