On Thu, Feb 15, 2007 at 10:53:48 -0500,
  "John D. Burger" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I presume from the near-deafening silence there's nothing else I can  
> do, which is no surprise, but I'd still like confirmation about how  
> to restore the backup.
> (It turns out I can recover the changes since the backup annother  
> way, since they all happened through interaction with CGI scripts,  
> luckily GET rather than POST - I can "replay" the relevant URLs  
> grepped from the web server log.)

It wasn't entirely clear what you wanted to accomplish. If you had mentioned
needing find at least some of the transactions that occured, then you might
have got some suggestions along the lines of imaging the disk to capture
data from teh recently freed blocks. There wouldn't be an automated way to
get the data back into the database, but you might have been able to find
some things out.

However, the web server logs are probably going to give you what you want
more reliably than grepping through the freed blocks, so there isn't any point
in going there.

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