>> P.S. I don't particularly like PHP either, but our company website is
>> coded in it because no other language (for the web) could have done the
>> job at the same TCO.
> PHP is easy and cheap to start, so there are lots of programmers using
> it, and someone like you, or any other company, can take a cheap
> programmer to do the work. Most of programmer use it with mysql, now
> this is the question to answer....why?

Easy, it was what PHP the project recommended until PHP 5. Also through
the history of the project, MySQL developers (as in the actualy MySQL
people) were also part of PHP.

And no, Command Prompt's website does not use MySQL.

> Maybe there is something else that can be useful for PostgreSQL (this
> list is about postgres right?).
> Now, comparing MySQL and PostgreSQL is something that maybe does not
> make sense....but the question is why most newbies go to MySQL and not
> PostgreSQL and say that MySQL is faster, better, easier and so on than
> pgsql....

MySQL is faster, better, easier... out of the box for the applications
that MySQL is good at, which is throw away data and websites.

The key here is that MySQL and PostgreSQL do not compete any more than
PostgreSQL and SQLLite. They are different beasts. They serve different

> Why not put some examples with postgresql about that? for example for
> OLTP with 2 GB RAM blah blah....

That isn't the purpose of reference documentation. It is the purpose of
a tuning doc or howto and there have been plenty of those on the web.


Joshua D. Drake

> Just an idea
> Best regards
> Rodrigo
> ---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
> TIP 6: explain analyze is your friend


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