Mark> Similar issues with Mysql.  It's faster,

But it doesn't matter *how* fast you get the *wrong* answer. :)

I thought one of the first rules of software engineering was "First make it right and only then make it fast!"

Granted, most of my experience has more to do with number crunching and scientific computing, but for the past 27 years, I always first ensured the code was provably correct before worrying about optimization. And this always involved a test suite that applied every possible mathematical test with randomly generated test data. For example, my code for matrix algebra problems generally came with test code and driver that would exercise the code with tens of millions of random matrices and vectors. One failure, even in millions of test cases, means the code is somehow broken. I have seen, and fixed, such cases before. One of my problems with database development is how to construct analogously strong test cases in order to prove the code correct. And it seems to get harder as the database gets larger. :-( In other words, I know how to do this with algebra and calculus, and C++/Java/FORTRAN programming, but not with sets and SQL programming.



---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
TIP 9: In versions below 8.0, the planner will ignore your desire to
      choose an index scan if your joining column's datatypes do not

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