Steve Atkins <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> On Mar 4, 2007, at 11:18 AM, hubert depesz lubaczewski wrote:
>> i read about some replication system for postgresql, but - as far as i
>> know there is none real multi-master replication system for
>> postgresql.

> I don't believe there is, or can be, any asynchronous multi-master
> replication system for any database that will work with all possible
> general purpose constructs.

Even more to the point: there is no universally applicable replication
solution.  If something such as the OP asks for existed, its overhead
would be so extreme that hardly anyone would use it for real-world
cases.  So compromise is always the order of the day.

> Given that, you might need to be more specific about your
> needs (and rethink your application architecture based on the
> reality of the issue),


                        regards, tom lane

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