"Alain Roger" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi,
> i created the following function :
> -- Function: immense.sp_a_001(username "varchar", pwd "varchar")
> -- DROP FUNCTION immense.sp_a_001(username "varchar", pwd "varchar");
> CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION immense.sp_a_001(username "varchar", pwd
> "varchar")
>   RETURNS int4 AS
> $BODY$
>  myrec immense.accounts%ROWTYPE;
>  count INTEGER := 0;
> /**************************************/
>  FOR myrec IN
>   SELECT * FROM immense.accounts WHERE account_login=$1 and account_pwd=$2
>    count := count + 1;
>  RETURN count;
> END;
> $BODY$
>   LANGUAGE 'plpgsql' VOLATILE;
> ALTER FUNCTION immense.sp_a_001(username "varchar", pwd "varchar") OWNER TO
> immensesk;
> GRANT EXECUTE ON FUNCTION immense.sp_a_001(username "varchar", pwd
> "varchar") TO immensesk;
> However, postgreSQL add automatically the following line to each procedure
> and i do not know why ?
> GRANT EXECUTE ON FUNCTION immense.sp_a_001(username "varchar", pwd
> "varchar") TO public;
> normally, in such case (i mean without granted execution right to public on
> this procedure), only immensesk user should be able to run it... so why such
> thing ?
> it is not secured...

Default rights for newly created functions allow execution by public.

To remove this, use REVOKE.

Bill Moran

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