filippo wrote:
> Hello,
> I have written a program perl/Tkprogram, based on postgres. For
> maintenance reasons in my program I use these commands:
>       `dropdb -U postgres -h $BACKUP_SERVER $BACKUP_DATABASE_NAME`;
>       `createdb -U postgres -h $BACKUP_SERVER $BACKUP_DATABASE_NAME`;
>       `pg_dump -U postgres -h $DATABASE_SERVER $DATABASE_NAME | psql -
> my @psqlOutput = `psql -l -U postgres -h $_`;
> my program has a graphic interface but whenever I use these command,
> postgres ask for passord in the command line. How can I give these
> commands the right passowrd programmatically or how can I   interact
> with these to give the passwords by a graphic box?

You can use the PGPASSWORD environment variable, or the ~/.pgpass file
(which can actually be somewhere else by using the PGPASSFILE
environment variable, allowing you to store passwords in /tmp or
something like that, to avoid destroying a .pgpass file the user may

Alvaro Herrera                      
PostgreSQL Replication, Consulting, Custom Development, 24x7 support

---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
TIP 6: explain analyze is your friend

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