Bryan Murphy wrote:
I think the other guys suggestion will work better. ;)

Really, the table was just an example off the top of my head. I believe we do use a boolean as the deleted flag. We primarily use it to track the user who originally created an item (even if their account is deleted). It's a bit like a financial system where you can't retroactively change the data. We always want to know who was associated with the original transaction, even long after their account was deleted.
Thanks for the suggestion though!

(Your post would have been clearer if it were inline with the material quoted, rather than top-posted.)

Your requirements analysis raises an important point, one that I've seen misused in practice. In your data model, "deleted" is a business concept - the example "deleted account" is an account that is NOT deleted in the database, but exists with a business attribute "deleted".

I've seen that sort of flag used absent any business requirement to maintain current information about a "deleted" fact, but instead as meta-data to audit the database usage. The bad effect was that all business logic had to account for the "deleted" flag even though it had no semantic in the business domain.

I speculate that a separate meta-data table is more apt for such a use, although I continue to investigate scenarios where it makes sense to keep historic facts in the same table with current facts. Naturally this opens up the world of temporal databases.

My hypothesis is that the business-domain semantics of the facts that a table models must be temporal in order to keep historic facts therein, If the purpose for the history is not rooted in the business domain, then such facts must be in separate tables from those that model the business domain. So a "deleted" account attribute merits a column in the "accounts" table, but record deletion facts just to monitor database usage should be separate. Both might make sense in the same implementation, yielding "accounts" and "accountsaudit" tables.

I am not yet convinced that I have the answers on this matter.

-- Lew

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