Guy Rouillier wrote:
> Andrus wrote:
>> Last change for this project was 3 years ago.
>> So I think that it is dead.
>> I'm writing application in C#.
>> I expected that I can wrote stored procedures in C# also using
>> something like mod_mono  in Apache.
>> So it seems that most reasonable way is to learn dreaded plpgsql
>> language and write stored procedures in it.
> Who dreads PL/pgSQL?  It's a pretty easy language to learn. 

It's fairly easy and fairly good as long as you're doing "db kind of
things". There are other things that are harder to do - which is why we
support a wide range of languages like perl, tcl, python, php, java etc.

Speaking of which - you might want to look into PL/Java, given that Java
syntax is fairly similar to C#. But if what you do is suitable for
pl/pgsql, it's probably a better idea to use that one.

> Granted,
> not as easy as one you already know, but I'm not aware of any RDBMS that
> supports C# as a stored procedure language.

Both MS SQL Server and IBM DB2 (on windows) supports .net stored
procedures in C#, VB, or any other .net hosted language. There may be
others that do as well, but those are the two I know of.


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