On Apr 3, 2007, at 10:33 AM, A. Kretschmer wrote:

am Tue, dem 03.04.2007, um 7:19:15 -0700 mailte [EMAIL PROTECTED] folgendes:
I need to do like 1000 inserts periodically from a web app. Is it better to do 1000 inserts or 1 insert with the all 1000 rows? Is using copy command faster
than inserts?

You can do the massive Inserts within one transaktion, but COPY is much
faster than many Inserts. The multi-line Insert is a new feature since
8.2. I prefer COPY.

not all database drivers support copy , so that might not be applicable.

I know the perl DBD::Pg does, but I haven't seen it in many other languages.

you could try doing all the inserts in 1 transaction in a loop using a prepared statement. that should give you a bit of a speedup.

ie (in bastardized perl/python):
        $prepared_statement= """INSERT INTO x (a,b) VALUES ( :id , :name );"""
        for row in update_loop:
                $prepared_statement->execute( row['id'] , row['name']

// Jonathan Vanasco

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