One other thing about this issue. A work around is that I can parse sql statements myself to come up with the table names. Yes, it's a bit of work, but not too bad. My question is whether or not column/table combinations are guaranteed to return in the order that the table names appear in a query. It seems like they're always returned this way. For instance:

select * from projects join employees on projects.manager =; would always appear in the return list before

Omar Eljumaily wrote:
This is with 8.1.8, but I don't see any mention of any bug fixes that cover this.

I've run into this sort of obscure problem. I'm using libpq with a front end database api where I need to track column names and how they're returned in libpq queries. What's happening is that I start out with a set of table names when I open my database with a query:

SELECT relfilenode, relname FROM pg_class WHERE relname !~ '^(pg_|sql_)' AND relkind = 'r'

But these don't agree with the oids when I subsequently fetch my rows and use the following:

           Oid o = PQftable(_res, i);
           std::string s1 = _con->_oidTableNames[o];

_con->_oidTableNames is my own array that I've created with the above select query. The reason I need to get table names after queries is that queries often return with multiple cases of a single column name, but with different table names. I need to be able to decifer the table.column combination when people refer to a column in that way.

My problem is that the Oids returned by PQftable sometimes do not return from the select query. For instance

Oid returned from PQftable = 654989
select relname from FROM pg_class WHERE relfilenode = 654989
returns empty.

The way I can solve this problem is by dumping and restoring the database. That's the only way I can fix it.

I don't know how to reproduce the problem. Has anybody heard of this? I'm going to update to the latest version this weekened. Maybe that will fix it. Is there any other way to get table names from libpq queries without using the oid method I use above?

One other thing I just remembered. The next time it happens I'm going to try a postgresql java driver with similar queries to see if the table.column combinations in ResultSet.getString() get messed up as well. That will tell me something. I suppose I can look and see how they get tablename information.


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TIP 2: Don't 'kill -9' the postmaster

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