On Apr 9, 2007, at 9:40 AM, Gerard wrote:

On Monday April 09, 2007 at 10:19:53 (AM) Erik Jones wrote:

On Apr 9, 2007, at 8:15 AM, Vivek Khera wrote:

On Mar 27, 2007, at 4:09 PM, Tony Caduto wrote:

Another thing is this, how hard could it possibly be for a MS SQL
DBA or Oracle DBA to pick up using PostgreSQL?
I don't think it would take a decent admin of any database to come
up to speed in a very short time as long as they were interested
in doing so.

We've been working with a consultant to re-design/optimize some
existing DB systems we have running, and his background is mostly
Oracle and DB/2.  Some of the optimizations -- actually
operationally related choices on how to do things -- are remarkably
off-base for Postgres.

Can you give some examples of this?  It's not that I don't believe
you, I'd just like some concrete examples from someone in your

Erik, would it be possible for you to post in 'plain text' and not HTML?
This is a mail forum, not a web page.

Hmmm... I didn't have anything HTML set anywhere. I did however have message formatting set to Rich-Text (although I was unaware) and have switched that to plaintext. This look better?

erik jones <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
software developer

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TIP 5: don't forget to increase your free space map settings

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