OK, I found the answer to my question about the "roles" error.
Still, it would be nice to have more up-to-date instructions on how to
install PostgreSQL on OS X.  Any pointers would be much appreciated!



On 4/15/07, Kynn Jones <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I'm trying to install PostgreSQL on my Mac laptop.

I used MacPorts for the first stage of the installation.  I did the

% sudo port install postresql82 +perl +python

This took quite a while to complete, but it ran without a hitch.

From that point on I followed the instructions given in


although I had to make significant modifications to their procedure (for
one thing, they use Fink to install the software whereas I used MacPorts;
and they refer to v. 7.4.1 as the most recent version of PostgreSQL, so
the instructions are somewhat old).

Per these instructions, I created a postgres user, logged in as it,
updated my PATH, started the server manually, and created a database with

% createdb test

After this point I am able to log in as the postgres user using "psql

But I can't log in as any othe user.  I get the errors like this one:

FATAL: role "root" does not exist

The instructions I'm following have nothing to say about "roles".  (I
figure this must be a post-7.4.2 feature.)

Can someone point to more up-to-date installation instructions for OS X?



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