1. Does an indexed column on a table have to be a potential primary key?

        Nope, create as many index as you need/must/should.

I've been working with a couple of rather large tables where a common select is on a foreign key called 'cntrct_id' (Varchar(9) in format). However, the same 'cntrct_id' can appear on multiple records in the tables I'm trying to work with now; the tables themselves record events associated with the given 'cntrct_id' record and can store many events for one 'cntrct_id' value. I'd thought that creating an index on the table.cntrct_id field for the event tables would allow me to speed up the transations some, but comparisons of time before and after the indexing lead me to wonder if I was mistaken in this. The times were almost identical in the following areas: Before Indexing, after Indexing but before Analyzing, and after Analyzing. 2. Another common sort on these fields uses part, not all, of the 'cntrct_id' value to search for things; the first character marks original location in an internal framework we're using, for example, and the third character marks the month of the year that the original 'cntrct_id' record was set up. Sorts on either of those are fairly common as well; would indexing on the cntrct_id as a whole be able to speed up a sort on a portion of it?

        This looks like suboptimal schema design...
If you had an indexed date column, you would be able to make fast indexed queries with BETWEEN, >=, <=, etc.

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