Connect to PostgreSql as Postgres user (default database user):

psql yourdb -U Postgres

then you will be asked for password selected during the installation.

Hope this will help.


  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Suresh Nimbalkar 
  Sent: Tuesday, May 01, 2007 1:29 PM
  Subject: [GENERAL] Password authentication failed


  I am a complete newbee to Postgres. Have installed Postgres on Windows 2003 
server SP1 a week back. When I try to log-in to the server (by writting psql 
mydb at command prompt in postgres/bin directory), I keep getting a message 
"psal: FATAL: password authentication failed for user"Administrator". 

  I have installed Postgres as an Administrator and log-in to the server as 
administrator. I don't think I am making mistake in entering the password. 

  It's quite frustrating. Will someone please help?

  Thanks and regards

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