It's been about a month and a half, and I'm getting this VACUUM
again.  This time, I'm wondering if there's any way to tell if
autovacuum is doing a database-wide vacuum for the sake of xid
wraparound or for some other reason.  Is there some sort of entry that
gets put into the log, and if so, what log level would it be at?

If this doesn't get logged, could I make this a feature request?


On Apr 15, 6:35 am, "[EMAIL PROTECTED]" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm just wondering if autovacuum is ever supposed to vacuum the entire
> database during one of its runs.  As far as I remember, it's supposed
> to vacuum one table at a time, based on the
> autovacuum_vacuum_threshold, autovacuum_analyze_threshold, etc.
> settings.
> For some reason, autovacuum decided to run a vacuum on my entire
> database (29GB large), and it's taking forever:
> select now(), query_start, current_query, backend_start, procpid,
> usename from pg_stat_activity where current_query <> '<IDLE>';
>               now              |          query_start          |
> current_query |         backend_start         | procpid | usename
> -------------------------------+-------------------------------
> +---------------+-------------------------------+---------+----------
>  2007-04-15 06:34:27.925042-07 | 2007-04-14 22:23:31.283894-07 |
> VACUUM        | 2007-04-14 22:23:31.274121-07 |    9406 | postgres
> Is this expected behavior?
> --Richard

---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
TIP 6: explain analyze is your friend

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