This is a 32 bit CPU by the way.

        Consider this :

- There are 100K rows
- The CPU executes about 3 billion instructions per second if everything is optimum
- "SELECT sum(n) FROM test", takes, say 60 ms

        This gives about 1800 CPU ops per row.
        A Float addition versus an Int addition is a drop in the sea.

I believe the marked difference between Floats/Ints (faster) and Numeric/Bigint (slower) comes from being passed by value or by pointers.

A single access which misses the CPU cache and has to go fetch data from the real RAM spends a lot more cycles than the simple loops in a NUMERIC addition which will hit L1 cache. Nowadays cache access patterns matter more than how many actual CPU instructions are executed...

forum_bench=> SELECT sum(i) FROM test;
Temps : 46,589 ms
forum_bench=> SELECT sum(f) FROM test;
Temps : 63,865 ms

forum_bench=> SELECT sum(b) FROM test;
Temps : 157,018 ms
forum_bench=> SELECT sum(n) FROM test;
Temps : 124,816 ms

---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
TIP 5: don't forget to increase your free space map settings

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