Andrew Sullivan wrote:
On Fri, Jun 01, 2007 at 01:27:14PM -0700, Ron St-Pierre wrote:
 imp=# select age(datfrozenxid) from pg_database where datname = 'imp';
 (1 row)

Time to start VACUUM FULL ANALYZE over the weekend.

I guess this comes too late, but you don't need VACUUM FULL for that.
Yes, I know that VACUUM FULL isn't required here, but because the weekend is our slow time on the server I thought that I would perform a full vacuum.
VACUUM FULL _does not_ mean "vacuum everything"!

What do you mean by this? I wanted to do both a VACUUM ANALYZE and a VACUUM FULL, so ran VACUUM FULL ANALYZE. Is there something odd about VACUUM FULL, other than locking the table it's working on?

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