Johannes Konert wrote:
But during the day I came out with an solution: I store the WAL-files with the time-stamp of archiving in their file-name. Thus I can order and delete them safely. Your hint was the one, that helped me to find that solution - so thanks for that, Greg.....and the others.
That solution has still a problem: It workes fine in case that the WAL-naming restarts with 000000000000000000000001, because the attached timestamp in name would still make it possible to identify the file as being a newer one as FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF, but there is still the problem with shifts in time itself. If someone corrects the servers computer-time/date to a date before current time (e.g. set the clock two hours back), then the newer WAL files will have an older timestamp and will be deleted by accident.

Thus now I increase the number of characters of the filename to infinite and the last 24 characters are the WAL file name. Thus the archived filenames ~always~ increase in naming and all backup files before the last base backup can be safely identified not relying on computer timestamps or with the risk of a restart in naming by postgresql. I hope this solutions only border is the 255 character restriction of file-name length....but if that one will be reached in future times I am sure longer names are possible :)

Regards Johannes

---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
TIP 9: In versions below 8.0, the planner will ignore your desire to
      choose an index scan if your joining column's datatypes do not

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