Alvaro Herrera writes:

This is pg_restore's stderr.  What Tom wants to see is postmaster's.  It
is probably redirected (hopefully to a file, but regretfully it is
common to see it go to /dev/null) on the init script that starts the

How would I run it manually?
When I do pg_ctl start, no output ever goes to the screen.
I also looked at the freebsd startup script. It also uses pg_ctl.

Do I just need to send "-l <filename>" to pg_ctl?
According to the man page the default is to send output to /dev/null.

It does seem like -l will redirect to file so going to try that.

man pg_ctl
In start mode, a new server is launched. The server is started  in  the
background,  and  standard input is attached to /dev/null. The standard
output and standard error are either appended to a log file (if the  -l
option is used), or redirected to pg_ctl's standard output (not stan-dard error). ...
---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
TIP 5: don't forget to increase your free space map settings

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