SELECT r.dokumnr
 FROM rid r
 LEFT JOIN dok d USING (dokumnr)
 WHERE d.dokumnr IS NULL;
DELETE FROM rid USING mydel WHERE rid.dokumnr =mydel.dokumnr;
drop table mydel;

As I mentioned when I proposed it, the temp table may not even be
necessary. The important part is the LEFT JOIN instead of the NOT IN
(as Martijn has explained).
You could try the direct approach ...

USING ( SELECT r.dokumnr
FROM rid r
LEFT JOIN dok d USING (dokumnr)
WHERE d.dokumnr IS NULL) x
WHERE rid.dokumnr = x.dokumnr;
... and see which runs faster. Probably it does not make much of a

Thank you.
I changed my DELETE commands to use internal table. This works fast.

I tried to change my update commands also to use internal table.
However, this causes update command to run 310 minutes:

update bilkaib SET cr4objekt=NULL
      FROM ( SELECT r.cr4objekt as key
 FROM bilkaib r
 LEFT JOIN yksus4 d ON d.YKSUS     =r.cr4objekt
    WHERE d.YKSUS      IS NULL) mydel
   WHERE cr4objekt IS NOT NULL AND
bilkaib.cr4objekt= mydel.key;

No idea why this does not work fast like in DELETE command. cr4objekt type is CHAR(10) maybe this makes internal table slow.

So I changed my script to

DROP TABLE if exists mydel;

 SELECT r.<<cchildkey>> as key
 FROM <<m.cChildtable>> r
 LEFT JOIN <<cmaintable>> d ON d.<<mainkey>>=r.<<cchildkey>>
    WHERE d.<<mainkey>> IS NULL;

update <<m.cChildtable>> SET <<cchildkey>>=NULL
      FROM mydel
   WHERE <<cchildkey>> IS NOT NULL AND
<<m.cChildtable>>.<<cchildkey>>= mydel.key;

Hope this will run fast (will test tomorrow).

My original skript

UPDATE <<m.cChildtable>> SET <<cchildkey>>=NULL
       WHERE <<cchildkey>> IS NOT NULL AND
       <<cchildkey>> NOT IN (SELECT <<mainkey>> FROM <<cmaintable>>);

runs 27 minutes in some cases.

If the temp table works for you, you might be interested in a new

Per Tom remart , I removed transactions. Now every statement runs in separate transaction.
In this case ON COMMIT DROP is useless.
ON COMMIT DROP exists in 8.1 also.
8.2 adds DROP IF EXISTS.

explain analyze  SELECT r.dokumnr
 FROM rid r
 LEFT JOIN dok d USING (dokumnr)
 WHERE d.dokumnr IS NULL


"Hash Left Join  (cost=7760.27..31738.02 rows=1 width=4) (actual
time=2520.904..2520.904 rows=0 loops=1)"
"  Hash Cond: (r.dokumnr = d.dokumnr)"
"  Filter: (d.dokumnr IS NULL)"
" -> Seq Scan on rid r (cost=0.00..17424.24 rows=202424 width=4) (actual
time=0.032..352.225 rows=202421 loops=1)"
"  ->  Hash  (cost=6785.01..6785.01 rows=56101 width=4) (actual
time=211.150..211.150 rows=56079 loops=1)"
"        ->  Seq Scan on dok d  (cost=0.00..6785.01 rows=56101 width=4)
(actual time=0.021..147.805 rows=56079 loops=1)"
"Total runtime: 2521.091 ms"

If the indices are present (and visible) at the time of execution, as
you described it, we should be seeing index scans on dok_dokumnr_idx
and rid_dokumnr_idx instead of sequential scans.

That's what I get on a similar query in one of my databases:
EXPLAIN ANALYZE SELECT a.adr_id FROM cp.adr a LEFT JOIN cp.kontakt k
USING (adr_id) WHERE k.adr_id IS NULL;

Merge Left Join  (cost=0.00..1356.31 rows=10261 width=4) (actual
time=0.096..56.759 rows=3868 loops=1)
 Merge Cond: ("outer".adr_id = "inner".adr_id)
 Filter: ("inner".adr_id IS NULL)
 ->  Index Scan using adr_pkey on adr a  (cost=0.00..947.54
rows=10261 width=4) (actual time=0.012..23.118 rows=10261 loops=1)
 ->  Index Scan using kontakt_adr_id_idx on kontakt k
(cost=0.00..295.47 rows=7011 width=4) (actual time=0.007..13.299
rows=7011 loops=1)
Total runtime: 58.510 ms

I have no idea why my query plan shows hash and your plan show merge.
My primary key (dokumnr is of type integer). Maybe this selects hash plan.

For my big database I got the following plan:

explain analyze  SELECT r.dokumnr
FROM rid r
LEFT JOIN dok d USING (dokumnr)
WHERE d.dokumnr IS NULL

     1  Hash Left Join  (cost=7759.44..31738.44 rows=1
        width=4) (actual time=112.572..761.121 rows=3
     2    Hash Cond: (r.dokumnr = d.dokumnr)
     3    Filter: (d.dokumnr IS NULL)
     4    ->  Seq Scan on rid r  (cost=0.00..17424.64
        rows=202464 width=4) (actual time=0.007..175.538
        rows=202424 loops=1)
     5    ->  Hash  (cost=6784.64..6784.64 rows=56064
        width=4) (actual time=111.296..111.296 rows=56079
     6          ->  Seq Scan on dok d  (cost=0.00..6784.64
        rows=56064 width=4) (actual time=0.005..58.686
        rows=56079 loops=1)
     7  Total runtime: 761.311 ms

Since there are a lot of rows (202424 swown), this select command must use indexes.
Without indexes it is not possible toobtain  speed  of 0.7 seconds.


---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
TIP 5: don't forget to increase your free space map settings

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