Hi all.
I'd like to do the following:

insert into t1
  values (
      insert into t2
        values ( 'somethingelse' )
        returning theserial

that is, I first insert data into t2 getting back the newly created 
serial values, then i insert this values in another table.
I get an error message:
ERROR:  syntax error at or near "into"
referring to thwe second inner "into".
Is there a way to do this?
The inner insert...returning should be the "expression" to be used in
the outer insert.
My objective is to create an SQL script to load some 20+ million 
records and avoiding function calls would save some time.

Thanks in advance.

Vincenzo Romano
Maybe Computer will never become as intelligent as Humans.
For sure they won't ever become so stupid. [VR-1988]

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