On Thu, 2007-06-21 at 16:45, Scott Marlowe wrote:
> Another option is to use your favorite scripting language and throw an 
> excel header then the data in tab delimited format.  Or even in excel 
> xml format.

Why would you need any scripting language ? COPY supports CSV output
pretty well, it can even put you a header on the top. And 8.2 can COPY a
SELECT too, so you can generate the CSV dump directly from joins too...
on older systems I usually create a temporary table as the result of the
join and then COPY that - plain SQL is all you need... I always did it
this way when it comes to occasional data from/to excel.

Now if it is about regularly exchanging data with excel, possibly using
excel as a DB interface, probably ODBC is the only viable choice, but if
the OP really needs a DB for the data, I would say using excel as the
interface to it is likely a bad decision...


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