EBIHARA, Yuichiro wrote on 22.06.2007 08:34:

Thank you for your comment.

I found that using getBinaryStream(), setBinaryStream(), getCharacterStream() and setCharacterStream() to handle LOBs across different DBMS is much more portable (and reliably) than using the Clob()/Blob() methods.

According to JDBC 3.0 specifiction, those 4 methods may not be compatible to 
Some databases may support them to access LOB data but not all databases.

Hmm. At least for updating LOBs, "my method" should be "legal".
This is a quote from jdbc-3_0-fr-spec.pdf

"The setBinaryStream and setObject methods may also be used to set a Blob
object as a parameter in a PreparedStatement object. The setAsciiStream,
setCharacterStream, and setObject methods are alternate means of setting a
Clob object as a parameter."

But I have to admit that I never read the specs in detail until now. Those methods were simply working fine (and were the only reliable way to handle LOBs with the Oracle drivers). Btw: these methods are working (for me) with Oracle, SQL Server (jTDS and MS Driver), DB2 (8.x), Firebird, Derby, MySQL, HSQL, H2, Informix and Sybase Adaptive Server Anywhere.

But I do think that the exception thrown when using getClob() or getBlob() is an error in the JDBC driver. Maybe we should file an issue for this.


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TIP 6: explain analyze is your friend

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