    I'm sure that'd be greatly appreciated, most other major servers and
DBs have a similar feature, and that's what the systray is for, i.e.,
viewing major user-installed services.
- Naz.

Tony Caduto wrote:
> Bruce Momjian wrote:
>> Naz Gassiep wrote:
>>> I'm using PG on windows for the first time (as of about 6 minutes ago).
>>> I was thinking that it would be great to have a system tray icon with a
>>> running indicator, kind of like the way Apache2.x for windows has, or
>>> even MSSQL. Perhaps the PG logo with a small white circle with a red
>>> square or a green triangle in the same fashion.
>>> Just a thought.
>> And what does the icon show or do?
> That would be pretty easy to do with Delphi.
> I could whip something up and donate it to the project with a BSD
> license.
> It could be a green "Play" arrow if the service is running and a red
> one if it is not, then have a few right click options
> to start/stop/restart the service.
> I was thinking the same thing awhile back, but forgot about it.
> Later,

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