Hi All,

The test_session_hooks--1.0.sql file in the newly added
'test_session_hooks' module suggests to load the extension named
'test_hook_session' instead of 'test_session_hooks'  and i think it needs
to be corrected. Here are the contents available in
test_session_hooks--1.0.sql file.

[ashu@localhost test_session_hooks]$ cat test_session_hooks--1.0.sql
/* src/test/modules/test_hook_session/test_hook_session--1.0.sql */

-- complain if script is sourced in psql, rather than via CREATE EXTENSION
\echo Use "CREATE EXTENSION* test_hook_session*" to load this file. \quit

Note : Please ignore this mail if it has already been reported by someone.

With Regards,
Ashutosh Sharma

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