On 14 November 2017 at 13:09, Peter Eisentraut
<peter.eisentr...@2ndquadrant.com> wrote:

>> *) Will pg_cancel_backend() cancel the currently executing statement
>> or the procedure? (I guess probably the procedure but I'm curious)
> Same as the way it currently works.  It will raise an exception, which
> will travel up the stack and eventually issue an error or be caught.  If
> someone knows more specific concerns here I could look into it, but I
> don't see any problem.
>> *) Will long running procedures be subject to statement timeout (and
>> does it apply to the entire procedure)?
> See previous item.
>> Will they be able to control
>> statement_timeout from within the procedure itself?
> The statement timeout alarm is set by the top-level execution loop, so
> you can't change a statement timeout that is already in progress.  But
> you could change the GUC and commit it for the next top-level statement.
>> *) Will pg_stat_activity show the invoking CALL or the currently
>> executing statement?  I see a strong argument for showing both of
>> these things. although I understand that's out of scope here.
> Not different from a function execution, i.e., top-level statement.

Which is the "top-level statement"? The CALL or the currently
executing statement within the proc? I think you mean former.

For the first two answers above the answer was "currently executing
statement", yet the third answer seems to be the procedure. So that is
a slight discrepancy.

ISTM we would like

1) a way to cancel execution of a procedure
2) a way to set a timeout to cancel execution of a procedure

as well as

1) a way to cancel execution of a statement that is running within a procedure
2) a way to set a timeout to cancel execution of a statement in a procedure

Visibility of what a routine is currently executing is the role of a
debugger utility/API.

Simon Riggs                http://www.2ndQuadrant.com/
PostgreSQL Development, 24x7 Support, Remote DBA, Training & Services

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