Everaldo Canuto wrote:

> >
> > postgres=> select 2+2
> >        2-> help
> >        3-> quit
> >        4-> exit
> I like it! Maybe another proposal to change PROMPT2?

Thanks. Yes, I think it should be a different proposal.

On closer inspection, mysql doesn't make a real effort
to align prompts, the secondary prompt happens
to coincide with the default primary prompt, but
when it's non-default, the alignment is lost.
Their secondary prompt does not seem to be 

By contrast PROMPT2 is fully configurable in psql.
The issue of alignment is non-trivial if we wish to retain the
nice-to-have property that if you copy-paste psql session
in an editor, the prompting can generally be filtered out
with a simple column-cut.

Best regards,
Daniel Vérité
PostgreSQL-powered mailer: http://www.manitou-mail.org
Twitter: @DanielVerite

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