On Tue, Dec 12, 2017 at 3:38 PM, Geoff Winkless <pgsqlad...@geoff.dj> wrote:
> Well "close" yes, but I like "simpler", and I'm not sure I like the
> idea of waiting for someone to flail at the quit command before giving
> them a hint.

I think a patch that adds a line to every prompt for everyone all the
time and has to be explicitly turned off is not something that most
people here are going to be willing to consider.  -1 from me, for a

> Also, to be frank, if someone's typed "quit<cr>" and you're going to
> perform an action based on it, it feels like you might as well quit -
> a bit like google saying "did you mean \q" in its sneering
> supercilious way.

Well, I don't agree; the reasons why have already been discussed
upthread, so I won't repeat them here.

Also, I think you're attributing a lot of emotion to Google's
auto-correct.  While it is not without its flaws, it is right about
what I meant more often than it is wrong, and there are a lot of
people who are worse at spelling than I am (not that I'm perfect or
anything).  Accuracy aside, I am fairly sure that it is an emotionless
software artifact incapable either of sneering or superciliousness.

Robert Haas
EnterpriseDB: http://www.enterprisedb.com
The Enterprise PostgreSQL Company

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