
 - I do not think that updating pgbench arithmetic for managing integer
   overflows is worth Andres Freund time. My guess is that most
   script would not trigger client-side overflows, so the change would
   be a no-op in practice.

It might not be if you view it in isolation (although I'm not
convinced). The problem is that it has cost beyond pgbench. Due to
pgbench's overflow handling

Lack of?

I can't run make check on a build that has -ftrapv, which found several bugs already.

Hmmm. You suggest that integer overflows do occur when running pgbench.

Indeed, this tap test case: "\set maxint debug(:minint - 1)"

Otherwise, some stat counters may overflow on very long runs? Although
overflowing a int64 takes some time...

I'd be happy if somebody else would tackle the issue, but I don't quite see it happening...

I must admit that it is not very high on my may-do list. I'll review it if it appears, though.


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