On 07.01.2018 00:11, Pavel Stehule wrote:

2018-01-06 22:02 GMT+01:00 Oleg Bartunov <obartu...@gmail.com <mailto:obartu...@gmail.com>>:

    On Sat, Jan 6, 2018 at 8:22 AM, Pavel Stehule
    <pavel.steh...@gmail.com <mailto:pavel.steh...@gmail.com>> wrote:
    > Hi
    > I am checking the JSONPath related code
    > Questions, notes:
    > 1. jsonpath operators are not consistent with any other .. json,
    xml .. I am
    > missing ?, @> operátors

    I have slides about jsonpath

    > 2. documentation issue - there is "'{"a":[1,2,3,4,5]}'::json *?
    '$.a[*] ? (@
    >> 2)'" - operator *? doesn't exists

    There are should be @? operator

    > 3. operator @~ looks like too aggressive shortcut - should be better
    > commented
    > What is not clean, if jsonpath should to create some new
    operators for json,
    > jsonb types? It is special filter, defined by type, so from my
    > the special operators are not necessary.

    It's impossible to distinguish jsonpath from text, so introducing
    new operators
    are easier than everytime explicitly specify jsonpath datatype.

There are two possible solutions - special operator or explicit casting. In this case I am not sure if special operator for this case is good solution. Probably nobody will use it - because there SQL/JSON functions, but I don't think so this inconsistency is correct.

I have not strong opinion about it - it will be hidden feature for almost all users.

Operators are necessary for index support now.

Operators allows us to use a more concise syntax in simple cases, when we extract JSON item(s) without error handling:
js @* '$.key'

Also @* оperator gives us ability to extract a set of JSON items. JSON_QUERY can only wrap extracted item sequence into JSON array which we have to unwrap with our json[b]_array_elements() function. I also thought about returning setof-types in JSON_VALUE/JSON_QUERY:

JSON_QUERY(jsonb '[1,2,3]', '$[*]' RETURNING SETOF jsonb)

But it is not so easy to implement now, because we should introduce new node like TableFunc (or also we can try to use existing JSON_TABLE infrastructure).

Set-returning expressions are not allowed in every context, so for returning singleton items there should be additional operator.

Nikita Glukhov
Postgres Professional: http://www.postgrespro.com
The Russian Postgres Company

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