> committed

I'm afraid it causes regressions for pgjdbc.
Here's CI log: https://travis-ci.org/pgjdbc/pgjdbc/jobs/327327402

The errors are:
testMetaData[typeName = REF_CURSOR, cursorType =
2,012](org.postgresql.test.jdbc2.RefCursorTest)  Time elapsed: 0.032 sec
 <<< ERROR! org.postgresql.util.PSQLException: ERROR: cannot drop pinned
portal "<unnamed portal 1>"

It looks like "refcursor" expressions are somehow broken.

The test code is to execute testspg__getRefcursor procedure
that is defined as follows

CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION testspg__getRefcursor () RETURNS refcursor AS '
declare v_resset refcursor; begin open v_resset for select id from testrs
order by id;
return v_resset; end;' LANGUAGE plpgsql;

Would you please check that?


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