Hi, Peter!

> 11 янв. 2018 г., в 15:14, Andrey Borodin <x4...@yandex-team.ru> написал(а):
> I like heapam verification functionality and use it right now. So, I'm 
> planning to provide review for this patch, probably, this week.

I've looked into the code and here's my review.

The new functionality works and is useful right now. I believe it should be 
shipped in the Postgres box (currently, I install it with packet managers).
The code is nice and well documented.

I'd be happy, if I could pass argument like ErrorLevel, which would help me to 
estimate scale of corruption. Or any other way to list more than one error. 
But, clearly, this functionality is not necessary for this patch.
Also, I couldn't find where is check that ensures that there is a heap tuple 
for every B-tree leaf tuple. Is it there?

I've found few neatpicks in bloom filter:
1. Choice of sdbmhash does not seems like a best option from my point of view. 
I'd stick with MurmurX, with any available X. Or anything doing 32-bit alligned 
computations. Hacks like (hash << 6) + (hash << 16) - hash are cool, but 
nowadays there is no point not to use hash * 65599.
+       bitset_bytes = Max(1024L * 1024L, bitset_bytes);
bloom_work_mem was supposed to be the limit? Why we do not honor this limit?
+       filter = palloc0(offsetof(bloom_filter, bitset) +
+                                        sizeof(unsigned char) * bitset_bytes);
sizeof(unsigned char) == 1 by C standard
4. function my_bloom_power() returns bit numers, then it's result is powered 
INT64CONST(1) << bloom_power; back. I'd stik with removing bits in a loop by 
while(target_bitset_bits & (target_bitset_bits-1)) { 
target_bitset_bits&=target_bitset_bits-1; } or something like that. Or, if we 
use code like sdbm hash, fallback to bithacks :) 
5. I would implement k_hashed with the folllowing code:
static void
k_hashes(bloom_filter *filter, uint32 *hashes, unsigned char *elem, size_t len)
    uint64  hasha,
    int     i;

    hasha = DatumGetUInt32(hash_any(elem, len));
    hashb = (filter->k_hash_funcs > 1 ? sdbmhash(elem, len) : 0);

     * Mix seed value using XOR.  Mixing with addition instead would defeat the
     * purpose of having a seed (false positives would never change for a given
     * set of input elements).
    hasha ^= filter->seed;

    for (i = 0; i < filter->k_hash_funcs; i++)
        /* Accumulate hash value for caller */
        hashes[i] = (hasha + i * hashb + i) % filter->bitset_bits;
It produces almost same result (hashes 1..k-1 are +1'd), but uses a lot less % 
operations. Potential overflow is governed by uint64 type.

That's all what I've found. I do not know did the patch had all necessary 
reviewers attention. Please, feel free to change status if you think that patch 
is ready. From my point of view, the patch is in a good shape.

It was a pleasure to read amcheck code, thanks for writing it.

Best regards, Andrey Borodin.

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