>     ! circle_contain_pt() does the following comparison and it
>       seems to be out of our current policy.
>       point_dt(center, point) <= radius
>       I suppose this should use FPle.
>       FPle(point_dt(center, point), radius)
>       The same is true of circle_contain_pt(), pt_contained_circle .

box_contain_point() also doesn't use the macros.  They are certainly
inconsistent, but I don't think it would be an improvement to make
them use the macros.  As we have discussed, there are many problems
with the current application of EPSILON.  I think we would be better
off not using the macros for none of the containment operators, but
this is out of my scope for now.

> # Sorry, that' all for today..

I am waiting the rest of your review to post the new versions.

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