(2018/02/05 14:34), Amit Langote wrote:
On 2018/02/02 19:56, Etsuro Fujita wrote:
* ExecInitPartitionResultRelInfo is called from ExecFindPartition, but we
could call that another way; in ExecInsert/CopyFrom we call that after
ExecFindPartition if the partition chosen by ExecFindPartition has not
been initialized yet.  Maybe either would be OK, but I like that because I
think that would not only better divide that labor but better fit into the
existing code in ExecInsert/CopyFrom IMO.

I see no problem with that, so done that way.


* In ExecInitPartitionResultRelInfo:
+       /*
+        * Note that the entries in this list appear in no predetermined
+        * order as result of initializing partition result rels as and when
+        * they're needed.
+        */
+       estate->es_leaf_result_relations =
+ lappend(estate->es_leaf_result_relations,
+                                           leaf_part_rri);

Is it OK to put this within the "if (leaf_part_rri == NULL)" block?

Good catch.  I moved it outside the block.  I was under the impression
that leaf result relations that were reused from the
mtstate->resultRelInfo arrary would have already been added to the list,
but it seems they are not.

I commented this because the update-tuple-routing patch has added to the list ResultRelInfos reused from the mtstate->resultRelInfo arrary, but on reflection I noticed this would cause oddity in reporting execution stats for partitions' triggers in EXPLAIN ANALYZE. Here is an example using the head:

postgres=# create table trigger_test (a int, b text) partition by list (a);
postgres=# create table trigger_test1 partition of trigger_test for values in (1);
postgres=# create table trigger_test2 partition of trigger_test for values in (2);
postgres=# create trigger before_upd_row_trig before update on trigger_test1 for
 each row execute procedure trigger_data (23, 'skidoo');
postgres=# create trigger before_del_row_trig before delete on trigger_test1 for
 each row execute procedure trigger_data (23, 'skidoo');
postgres=# insert into trigger_test values (1, 'foo');
postgres=# explain analyze update trigger_test set a = 2 where a = 1;
NOTICE:  before_upd_row_trig(23, skidoo) BEFORE ROW UPDATE ON trigger_test1
NOTICE:  OLD: (1,foo),NEW: (2,foo)
NOTICE:  before_del_row_trig(23, skidoo) BEFORE ROW DELETE ON trigger_test1
NOTICE:  OLD: (1,foo)
                                                  QUERY PLAN

Update on trigger_test (cost=0.00..25.88 rows=6 width=42) (actual time=2.337..
2.337 rows=0 loops=1)
   Update on trigger_test1
-> Seq Scan on trigger_test1 (cost=0.00..25.88 rows=6 width=42) (actual tim
e=0.009..0.011 rows=1 loops=1)
         Filter: (a = 1)
 Planning time: 0.186 ms
 Trigger before_del_row_trig on trigger_test1: time=0.495 calls=1
 Trigger before_upd_row_trig on trigger_test1: time=0.870 calls=1
 Trigger before_del_row_trig on trigger_test1: time=0.495 calls=1
 Trigger before_upd_row_trig on trigger_test1: time=0.870 calls=1
 Execution time: 2.396 ms
(10 rows)

Both trigger stats for the on-update and on-delete triggers are doubly shown in the above output. The reason would be that ExplainPrintTriggers called report_triggers twice for trigger_test1's ResultRelInfo: once for it from queryDesc->estate->es_result_relations and once for it from queryDesc->estate->es_leaf_result_relations. I don't think this is intended behavior, so I think we should fix this. I think we could probably address this by modifying ExecInitPartitionInfo in your patch so that it doesn't add to the es_leaf_result_relations list ResultRelInfos reused from the mtstate->resultRelInfo arrary, as your previous version of the patch. (ExecGetTriggerResultRel looks at the list too, but it would probably work well for this change.) It might be better to address this in another patch, though.

* In the same function:
+   /*
+    * Verify result relation is a valid target for INSERT.
+    */
+   CheckValidResultRel(leaf_part_rri, CMD_INSERT);

I think it would be better to leave the previous comments as-is here:

          * Verify result relation is a valid target for an INSERT.  An UPDATE
          * of a partition-key becomes a DELETE+INSERT operation, so this
          * is still required when the operation is CMD_UPDATE.

Oops, my bad.  Didn't notice that I had ended up removing the part about


* ExecInitPartitionResultRelInfo does the work other than the
initialization of ResultRelInfo for the chosen partition (eg, create a
tuple conversion map to convert a tuple routed to the partition from the
parent's type to the partition's).  So I'd propose to rename that function
to eg, ExecInitPartition.

I went with ExevInitPartitionInfo.

Fine with me.

* CopyFrom is modified so that it calls ExecSetupPartitionTupleRouting and
ExecFindPartition with a mostly-dummy ModifyTableState node.  I'm not sure
that is a good idea.  My concern about that is that might be something
like a headache in future development.

OK, I removed those changes.


* The patch 0001 and 0002 are pretty small but can't be reviewed without
the patch 0003.  The total size of the three patches aren't that large, so
I think it would be better to put those patches together into a single patch.

As I said above, I got rid of 0001.  Then, I merged the
ExecFindPartition() refactoring patch 0002 into 0003.

The code in tupconv_map_for_subplan() currently assumes that it can rely
on all leaf partitions having been initialized.  Since we're breaking that
assumption with this proposal, that needed to be changed.  So the patch
contained some refactoring to make it not rely on that assumption.  I
carved that out into a separate patch which can be applied and tested
before the main patch.

OK, will review that patch separately.

Here is the updated version that contains two patches as described above.

Thanks for updating the patches!  I'll post my next comments in a few days.

Best regards,
Etsuro Fujita

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