On 02/01/2018 05:35 PM, Magnus Hagander wrote:
> On Thu, Feb 1, 2018 at 5:20 PM, Chapman Flack <c...@anastigmatix.net
> <mailto:c...@anastigmatix.net>> wrote:
>     On 02/01/2018 10:54 AM, Magnus Hagander wrote:
>     > in saying that git:// is faster than https://. In fact, we have some
>     > reports and testing that https:// can be significantly faster (due to 
> other
>     > reasons).
>     Can you elaborate on the other reasons? It occurs to me that there
>     might be cases in which each way works better.
> Those aren't protocol based, they're deployment based.
> For example, for the https we have a fast cache, for the git:// stuff it
> reloads things all the time. The git daemon also has no proper way to
> limit or handle concurrency,so tends to get hit much harder there where
> the http cache can take care of much of that. Things like that, not the
> protocol itself.

yeah, from a infrastructure perspective http(s) is much much nicer and
provides us with way more control over limiting (or accelerating) access
- so a big +1 from my side for changing the default and the
recommendation to https.

>     From an experience about 3½ years ago[1], I drew a conclusion
>     (which may have been erroneous, or may have changed in newer
>     git releases) that the http protocol handler was not as bidirectional:
>     the client was less able to negotiate with the server exactly which
>     objects it already had and which were wanted, leaving the server to
>     send a needlessly large mass of stuff by default, whereas git-over-ssh
>     was able to negotiate a tiny minimal pack file to transfer.
> Yes, this used to be the case, and is the reason behind the original
> recommendation. It's what they call the "dumb HTTP protocol" in the
> docs. This is not the case when you use git-http-backend, which is the
> change we made a few months back.

Agreed - wrt the actual patch - not sure it is accurate to classify the
current way als the "older git protocol" as I cannot find that wording
used in the git docs - maybe "classic"? - we also might want to change
the url for http://git-scm.com/ to https://git-scm.com/ while we are
changing that page.

We also should doublecheck that the docs on
https://git.postgresql.org/adm/help/ match what we have in the main
source docs.


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