Hello, hackers! I got a permanent failure of master (commit 2a41507dab0f293ff241fe8ae326065998668af8) check on Windows Server 2008. Regression output and diffs as well as config.pl are attached.

I used the following commands:
build.bat > build.txt
vcregress.bat check > check.txt

Binary search has shown that this failure begins with commit bed9ef5a16239d91d97a1fa2efd9309c3cbbc4b2 (Rework the stats_ext test). On the previous commit (70ec3f1f8f0b753c38a1a582280a02930d7cac5f) the check passes. I'm trying to figure out what went wrong, and any suspicions are welcome.

About the system: Windows Server 2008 R2 Standard, Service Pack 1, 64-bit.
Marina Polyakova
Postgres Professional: http://www.postgrespro.com
The Russian Postgres Company
*** C:/Users/buildfarm/mpolyakova/postgrespro_master/src/test/regress/expected/stats_ext.out	Fri Feb 16 12:56:00 2018
--- C:/Users/buildfarm/mpolyakova/postgrespro_master/src/test/regress/results/stats_ext.out	Fri Feb 16 13:09:47 2018
*** 312,322 ****
   SELECT COUNT(*) FROM ndistinct GROUP BY b, c, d;
           QUERY PLAN          
! -----------------------------
!  HashAggregate
     Group Key: b, c, d
     ->  Seq Scan on ndistinct
! (3 rows)
   SELECT COUNT(*) FROM ndistinct GROUP BY a, d;
--- 312,324 ----
   SELECT COUNT(*) FROM ndistinct GROUP BY b, c, d;
              QUERY PLAN             
! -----------------------------------
!  GroupAggregate
     Group Key: b, c, d
+    ->  Sort
+          Sort Key: b, c, d
           ->  Seq Scan on ndistinct
! (5 rows)
   SELECT COUNT(*) FROM ndistinct GROUP BY a, d;


test tablespace               ... ok
parallel group (20 tests):  boolean char name varchar text int2 int4 txid int8 
bit float8 float4 oid pg_lsn regproc rangetypes enum money uuid numeric
     boolean                  ... ok
     char                     ... ok
     name                     ... ok
     varchar                  ... ok
     text                     ... ok
     int2                     ... ok
     int4                     ... ok
     int8                     ... ok
     oid                      ... ok
     float4                   ... ok
     float8                   ... ok
     bit                      ... ok
     numeric                  ... ok
     txid                     ... ok
     uuid                     ... ok
     enum                     ... ok
     money                    ... ok
     rangetypes               ... ok
     pg_lsn                   ... ok
     regproc                  ... ok
test strings                  ... ok
test numerology               ... ok
parallel group (20 tests):  lseg box path line point tstypes reltime circle 
interval date time timetz macaddr8 tinterval abstime macaddr inet timestamptz 
timestamp polygon
     point                    ... ok
     lseg                     ... ok
     line                     ... ok
     box                      ... ok
     path                     ... ok
     polygon                  ... ok
     circle                   ... ok
     date                     ... ok
     time                     ... ok
     timetz                   ... ok
     timestamp                ... ok
     timestamptz              ... ok
     interval                 ... ok
     abstime                  ... ok
     reltime                  ... ok
     tinterval                ... ok
     inet                     ... ok
     macaddr                  ... ok
     macaddr8                 ... ok
     tstypes                  ... ok
parallel group (9 tests):  geometry horology expressions oidjoins misc_sanity 
type_sanity comments regex opr_sanity
     geometry                 ... ok
     horology                 ... ok
     regex                    ... ok
     oidjoins                 ... ok
     type_sanity              ... ok
     opr_sanity               ... ok
     misc_sanity              ... ok
     comments                 ... ok
     expressions              ... ok
test insert                   ... ok
test insert_conflict          ... ok
test create_function_1        ... ok
test create_type              ... ok
test create_table             ... ok
test create_function_2        ... ok
parallel group (3 tests):  copy copydml copyselect
     copy                     ... ok
     copyselect               ... ok
     copydml                  ... ok
parallel group (3 tests):  create_misc create_operator create_procedure
     create_misc              ... ok
     create_operator          ... ok
     create_procedure         ... ok
parallel group (2 tests):  create_view create_index
     create_index             ... ok
     create_view              ... ok
parallel group (15 tests):  create_aggregate create_function_3 create_cast 
roleattributes create_am typed_table hash_func vacuum drop_if_exists 
constraints create_table_like inherit updatable_views triggers rolenames
     create_aggregate         ... ok
     create_function_3        ... ok
     create_cast              ... ok
     constraints              ... ok
     triggers                 ... ok
     inherit                  ... ok
     create_table_like        ... ok
     typed_table              ... ok
     vacuum                   ... ok
     drop_if_exists           ... ok
     updatable_views          ... ok
     rolenames                ... ok
     roleattributes           ... ok
     create_am                ... ok
     hash_func                ... ok
test sanity_check             ... ok
test errors                   ... ok
test select                   ... ok
parallel group (20 tests):  select_distinct select_into select_implicit 
select_having union case select_distinct_on subselect delete random 
transactions aggregates namespace btree_index portals arrays prepared_xacts 
update hash_index join
     select_into              ... ok
     select_distinct          ... ok
     select_distinct_on       ... ok
     select_implicit          ... ok
     select_having            ... ok
     subselect                ... ok
     union                    ... ok
     case                     ... ok
     join                     ... ok
     aggregates               ... ok
     transactions             ... ok
     random                   ... ok
     portals                  ... ok
     arrays                   ... ok
     btree_index              ... ok
     hash_index               ... ok
     update                   ... ok
     namespace                ... ok
     prepared_xacts           ... ok
     delete                   ... ok
parallel group (17 tests):  gin password drop_operator groupingsets tablesample 
object_address lock init_privs spgist security_label replica_identity brin gist 
collate rowsecurity matview privileges
     brin                     ... ok
     gin                      ... ok
     gist                     ... ok
     spgist                   ... ok
     privileges               ... ok
     init_privs               ... ok
     security_label           ... ok
     collate                  ... ok
     matview                  ... ok
     lock                     ... ok
     replica_identity         ... ok
     rowsecurity              ... ok
     object_address           ... ok
     tablesample              ... ok
     groupingsets             ... ok
     drop_operator            ... ok
     password                 ... ok
parallel group (11 tests):  tidscan alter_generic alter_operator tsrf sysviews 
misc_functions dbsize async psql misc stats_ext
     alter_generic            ... ok
     alter_operator           ... ok
     misc                     ... ok
     psql                     ... ok
     async                    ... ok
     dbsize                   ... ok
     misc_functions           ... ok
     sysviews                 ... ok
     tsrf                     ... ok
     tidscan                  ... ok
     stats_ext                ... FAILED
parallel group (3 tests):  amutils psql_crosstab rules
     rules                    ... ok
     psql_crosstab            ... ok
     amutils                  ... ok
test select_parallel          ... ok
test write_parallel           ... ok
parallel group (2 tests):  subscription publication
     publication              ... ok
     subscription             ... ok
parallel group (20 tests):  select_views portals_p2 combocid json_encoding 
tsdicts xmlmap advisory_lock window tsearch jsonb functional_deps equivclass 
json indirect_toast cluster bitmapops dependency guc foreign_key foreign_data
     select_views             ... ok
     portals_p2               ... ok
     foreign_key              ... ok
     cluster                  ... ok
     dependency               ... ok
     guc                      ... ok
     bitmapops                ... ok
     combocid                 ... ok
     tsearch                  ... ok
     tsdicts                  ... ok
     foreign_data             ... ok
     window                   ... ok
     xmlmap                   ... ok
     functional_deps          ... ok
     advisory_lock            ... ok
     json                     ... ok
     jsonb                    ... ok
     json_encoding            ... ok
     indirect_toast           ... ok
     equivclass               ... ok
parallel group (19 tests):  plancache limit copy2 prepare conversion 
polymorphism without_oid returning temp largeobject xml rangefuncs with 
rowtypes sequence plpgsql truncate domain alter_table
     plancache                ... ok
     limit                    ... ok
     plpgsql                  ... ok
     copy2                    ... ok
     temp                     ... ok
     domain                   ... ok
     rangefuncs               ... ok
     prepare                  ... ok
     without_oid              ... ok
     conversion               ... ok
     truncate                 ... ok
     alter_table              ... ok
     sequence                 ... ok
     polymorphism             ... ok
     rowtypes                 ... ok
     returning                ... ok
     largeobject              ... ok
     with                     ... ok
     xml                      ... ok
parallel group (6 tests):  reloptions hash_part identity partition_prune 
partition_join indexing
     identity                 ... ok
     partition_join           ... ok
     partition_prune          ... ok
     reloptions               ... ok
     hash_part                ... ok
     indexing                 ... ok
test event_trigger            ... ok
test stats                    ... ok
use strict;
use warnings;
our $config = {
asserts => 0,    # --enable-cassert
# integer_datetimes=>1,
# float4byval=>1,
# blocksize => 8,
# wal_blocksize => 8,
# wal_segsize => 16,
ldap    => 1,
nls     => 'C:\pgfarm\deps_x64\libintl',
tcl     => undef,
perl    => 'C:\Perl64',   
python  => 'C:\Python27x64', 
openssl => 'C:\pgfarm\deps_x64\openssl',
uuid    => 'C:\pgfarm\deps_x64\uuid',
xml     => 'C:\pgfarm\deps_x64\libxml2',
xslt    => 'C:\pgfarm\deps_x64\libxslt',
iconv   => 'C:\pgfarm\deps_x64\iconv',
zlib    => 'C:\pgfarm\deps_x64\zlib',
zstd    => 'C:\pgfarm\deps_x64\zstd',
icu     => 'C:\pgfarm\deps_x64\icu',
libedit => 'C:\pgfarm\deps_x64\wineditline',
tap_tests => 1,
perl    => undef

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