Andres Freund <> writes:
> On 2018-02-17 11:39:57 -0500, Tom Lane wrote:
>> pg_aggregate            | agginitval      | text
>> pg_aggregate            | aggminitval     | text

> Seems like it should have a toast table, it's not too hard to imagine
> some form of aggregate to have a large initial condition.

Really?  I should think the initial condition would almost always be some
spelling of "zero".  Certainly nobody's ever complained of this in the

>> pg_attribute            | attacl          | aclitem[]
>> pg_attribute            | attfdwoptions   | text[]
>> pg_attribute            | attoptions      | text[]

> Seems like it should have a toast table, but I think other people
> differed.

I think there was fear of circularity if we tried to toast pg_class
or pg_attribute.  (In particular, VACUUM FULL already has its hands
full handling pg_class correctly --- dealing with a toast table too
would probably be really, uh, interesting.)  Also, given the fact
that tupdescs can only store the fixed-width part of a pg_attribute
entry, having var-width fields in there at all is a pretty dubious
decision; it's way too easy to forget about that and try to fetch
them out of a tupdesc entry.  I think the right approach for
potentially-long per-attribute properties is exemplified by pg_attrdef.

In any case, I don't see any of the "options" columns as things that
are likely to get long enough to be a problem.  ACLs maybe could get
long, but I can only recall perhaps one thread complaining about that,
so I don't feel that there's field demand to justify toasting all the
catalogs with ACLs in them.

>> pg_largeobject          | data            | bytea

> We deal with this in other ways.

Right, this is one that definitely should not have a toast table.

>> pg_partitioned_table    | partexprs       | pg_node_tree

> Probably makes sense.

Dunno, what is a sane partitioning expression?

I don't feel that we need to insist on having a toast table for every
theoretically toastable column.  The point here is to make a conscious
decision for each such column that we don't expect it to get long.
I think most of these columns are probably fine.  Unsure about the
partitioning-related ones.

                        regards, tom lane

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